Crab Game Game Online

Do you want to join a Crab Game that definitely has no squids around? 35 adult players are locked in a daycare area with amazingly realistic decorations. They are asked to play a simple kid game for the chance to win a big money prize.

But little do they know about the one-million cost of each head in the room! Stakes grow higher as more people lose—just take care of your own safety.

The game has 9 amusing modes for a big party. Enter a random server and get ready for a challenge straight away! It can be the Ice Path, where you must jump on the strongest frozen platforms to stay alive. Don’t be the first to run the trail, wait for the daredevils to clear the way for the rest. Or help uncertain members by pushing them forward!

Another playground is straight in the resting area. You should not believe anyone as one of your fellows may carry a bomb… Even you! If sparkles from the fuse tickle your nose, quickly find anyone with bare hands to pass the weapon, or it will be your last level.

Don’t be upset if you die. At least you will make someone rich enough to subscribe for a daily milk delivery for the rest of their happy life. Spectate the fight in the ghost body or team up with other gold hunters on the next server.